Posted by & filed under Developer Blog.

Hello, and welcome to this blog. I built this blog with PHP, MySql, and CSS using Dreamweaver. This, and all of my personal sites are hosted from my house on a Mandrake 10 Linux machine.

It’s not my intention to drone on about my personal life or useless information, but rather it is my intention to document my frustrations as a web developer/designer. Any time I am having problems with anything I’m working on, I plan to write it here along with the solution. More often than not, I’ll try to post things that I’m having a hard time finding the solution to on the internet. The idea is to get the solution out there for others who may be having the same questions. It will also give myself a place to go when I know I’ve worked on a problem before, but I can’t remember how to fix it.

Your feedback via email is welcome. Enjoy!